Tantric Journey transformative experience

Tantric Journey’s Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka are a truly transformative experience. There is no better place for a spiritual experience than Sri Lanka, a country renown for its diverse landscapes and for its ancient Buddhist ruins.

Indeed Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka combine beautifully, healing and meaningful teachings in a deeply spiritual backdrop. Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka have a lot to offer both the individual or couple. No prior experience of Tantra is required to enroll on Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka, but you must be over 21 year of age.


Many people have joined Tantric Journey on retreats in London and Thailand and their testimonials of how it has changed their lives are truly moving.  Tantric Journey will continue to offer retreats in Thailand, Spain and the UK, but for 2019 the brand new Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka are sure to be just as popular as the established retreat locations.

It is certain that Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka will be a huge success as the area of Sri Lanka is a deeply spiritual one, rooted in ancient Buddhist tradition.

During Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka you will learn everything from emotional release techniques, to breathing and meditation techniques.  Also on Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka you will learn ancient tantric rituals, authentic tantra massage techniques along with Eastern and Western emotional release techniques.

On Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka it is certain that you will find deep healing and expansion for your body and soul.

Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka begins with a lecture on Emotional Detox through bodywork then throughout the Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka you will experience Yoga, Trance Dance, Mantras (sounds) and Breath work. Along with Tantric Rituals to connect, to open the hearts and to establish Trust; Clothes on Bodywork to learn passive yoga stretches and Deep Healing Tantric – Tao Bodywork.

The Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka offer a unique opportunity for learning and healing and the training is exceptional and given by a deeply experienced instructor and Tantra Master.  For a true transformational retreat in 2019 do consider Tantric Retreats Sri Lanka from Tantric Journey.

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