Vacuum pump technology was first utilised since the first champions of the industrial revolutions brought this technology, the brainwave of scientist Otto von Guericke, into existence. Developed and improved upon to create what has become one of the fundamental building blocks of industry in the modern era, with its hundreds of applications in several different industry sectors, vacuum technology has been said to be endlessly evolving, proving it one of the most critical invention of all the industrial revolutions. With the 4th Industrial Revolution in full swing, is there still a future for this type of technology in industry or are we looking at the end of an era for this science-based technical tool?
IBS has been in the vacuum blower industry for more then 3 decades and believes that from a current economic stance on business, the application of vacuum pump technology plays as important a role as ever before and that there no signs of this trend waning in the near future. Certainly, the current application of the use of vacuum technology in retail, manufacturing and everyday packaging industries, such as plastic molding, washing systems in food processing, underwater aeration with commercial and household applications, PET coating on plastic bottles and dry freezing of packaged food and beverages, is a going concern. However, as the call for safer and more environmentally friendly, sustainability becomes the focus of growing concerns for the health and well-being of the globe and humanity itself, will we begin to see a decrease in the use of vacuum technology?
The answer is a simple no. More and more, it becomes evident that vacuum technology is here to stay. Although common applications may well change due to the changing demands from governments to make swift and steady changes towards sustainable business, vacuum technology is already being tested and proving vital in the developments of the 4IR. It is predicted that we will witness vital incremental improvements on seals and gauges, calibration methods with far superior accuracy will appear and even more specialised custom-designed vacuum facilities being created to accommodate rings, reactors, and portable industrial vacuum units. Side Channel Blowers and industrial Vacuum units stand to be developed as new products begin to appear as the market begins to adapt with the introduction of solid-state electronics.
The prediction is that the vacuum pumps of the near-future will not only be more reliable with the capacity for vastly improved operations for distinctly longer periods of time, but will also prove themselves to be vital to the development of lasers, superconductors, catalysis as well as solar energy, microprocessors and computers. While it is hard to know for sure the exact developmental path of vacuum technology, it would be premature to begin a move away from what may be viewed as a technology whose time has come.
IBS Blowers is excited to be in an industry, which is crucial to the growth and development of industry and will continue to provide a vast array of products, both new and reconditioned, which can be recommended with confidence from now into the future.
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