Live pain and drug free with the practices of the Tantric Journey

As long as the planets have circled the sun and humans have populated the earth, there has been the search for the deep spiritual meaning of life and modalities which will assist humanity with healing their past and current hurts and emotional pain. Most people can buy into the idea that our health and well-being is a mirror of how we treat ourselves, both physically and emotionally, and that the more positive a person’s outlook is, the healthier the body is likely to be.

More and more people are turning to alternative thoughts and practices to help in maintaining a healthy body and mind. Tantra is one such modality which harnesses the power of ancient practices and wisdoms which facilitate the release of negative blocks and emotions thereby activating and opening the chakras. By taking the power force of sexual energy and flowing it through the body’s natural energetic pathways, this bodywork technique can help you to over-come negativity and live drug free.Reputable therapists such as Mal Weeraratne , Tantric Healer London, who practice the ancient healing arts can facilitate a transformation in healing for those who have exhausted allopathic medicines and options or who are simply drawn to a natural and non-invasive method of sustaining their health of complimenting a current medicinal regime as a means of supporting their physical and emotional systems. Tantric Journey, Tantric Healing London, provides a method of mobilising a vast amount of sexual energy throughout the body to experience a full body orgasm, where by transforming negativity in the body, restoring health to all of the vital systems within the body, including muscular, digestive, circulatory, hormonal and more.

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