Tag Archives: tantric journey

Awaken your powerful kundalini energy with Tantric Journey

We all go through times in our lives when life seems to just flow better than at other times. Within that journey, so too we experience positive and healthy phases, and then sometimes we experience negative phases where bad experiences seem to perpetuate themselves and a vicious cycle feels like it will never be broken. […]

Mal Weeraratne is a gifted teacher in the field of Emotional Detox

Mal Weeraratne is the founder of Tantric Journey and having served as a Tantric Practitioner for over twenty years he now devotes much of his time to teaching others his unique synergy of healing techniques known as Tantric Journey. Having studied the field of sexual dysfunction and emotional detox for over twenty years, Mal Weeraratne […]

Transform your health and experience well-being with Tantric Healing

As long as the planets have circled the sun and humans have populated the earth, there has been the search for the deep spiritual meaning of life and modalities which will assist humanity with healing their past and current hurts and emotional pain. Most people can buy into the idea that our health and well-being […]

Do you Suffer with Erectile dysfunction?

Searching for Tantric Therapy London? Chances are you will have a lot of questions about what Tantric Therapy is. The Tantric Therapy London, offered by Tantric Journey is a beautiful healing journey that can allow clients to enjoy bliss in their lives again, having positive energies flowing through their whole body. Tantric Journey offers Tantric […]

Do you know what Tantra is? read and find out

“…the route of the journey is to face the truth of your pain or your numbness, and then to go through the pain to reach your pleasure which is your ultimate birth-right.” Sexual arousal and fantastic sex are the main focus of Tantra; this is a myth…Tantric work does not deny sexual energy, it embraces […]