Release negative emotions caused by traumatic life events

Mal Weerarante

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When we think of trauma, we think of devastating psychological or emotional response which occurs as the result of an event which is distressing and disturbing. Traumatic events include the death of a loved one, perhaps a car accident or divorce. Events such as these, when they occur, are usually terrifying and leave us feeling shocked and disrupted in life. Many people who experience this type of even speak of feelings like depression, lack of joy and an inability to perform their day-to-day functions without feeling tired, drained of energy, without enthusiasm and aimless. It is normal that when a traumatic event occurs, that we feel that we are not able to cope and long to creep into our beds, over-eat or disengage from friends and family as a defense mechanism to avoid having to deal with the emotions we are feeling. While these feelings are normal emotions after a traumatic event, what is not normal is for these feelings and avoidance to endlessly persist.

What we often don’t consider is that with the fast pace of life that most of us experience the result of trauma can become something that we experience on a daily basis. When life bombards us with its never ending lists of things to do, be and have, the expectations of life itself cause stress, anxiety and depression, further leading to emotional and health concerns. If ignored, these concerns will simply worsen until eventually the body can no longer cope. Yet humans continue to face the barrage of life’s requirements without taking the time they need to recover from the accumulation of these stresses. This too is when we experience trauma. The slow and progressive nature of stress, like the proverbial Chinese dripping tap, becomes the torture we feel in our soul.

Mal Weerarante wishes to re-define “trauma” to include the small, slow and steadily draining events which become bigger than our emotional psyche. Those which develop and grow, all the while, lowering our ability to maintain joy, infiltrating our thoughts, feelings and emotions and manifesting in negativity.

Many of Mal Weerarante’s clients report an extreme lack of desire for life. This is the unseen trauma which is not initiated by one specific event but rather the accumulation of all of the event of our day-to-day existence. These are the traumas which we do not face, which we do not seek help for, which we keep stored in our bodies, these are the catalysts for major disease.

Mal Weerarante’s goal is to help to unblock and reserve the symptoms of this trauma. Tantric Journey is a practice which sees each person’s unique situation and helps to redress the results of these negative feelings through empathy, compassion and honesty. This is done with the intention that each person will find their way back to themselves. By removing the dark cloud of trauma, clients are enabled to see life in a new and fresh way, allowing them to see the sunshine masked by the clouds, empowering them to return to the state of joy which is ultimately our birth-right.

Contact Mal Weerarante today and find out how he can help you!


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