Category Archives: Mal Weeraratne

Mal Weeraratne explains more about how tantric energy works

Mal Weeraratne, founder of the Tantric Journey School of Healing and Awakening and author of the book, Emotional Detox confesses that he is performing one of the world’s most difficult and least misunderstood jobs. And yet he believes that his work is also one of the most rewarding as it has the power to literally […]

Release negative emotions caused by traumatic life events

Mal Weerarante When we think of trauma, we think of devastating psychological or emotional response which occurs as the result of an event which is distressing and disturbing. Traumatic events include the death of a loved one, perhaps a car accident or divorce. Events such as these, when they occur, are usually terrifying and leave […]

Mal Weeraratne has assisted couples heal and grow into to health and love again

The man behind the rumours Mal Weeraratne 2018 has been a year of dichotomy. It seems that 50% of people have found 2018 to have been a fantastic year, which has bought them good fortune, success and abundance. While the other 50% seem to not be able to wait to put the year behind them […]

Mal Weeraratne is a gifted teacher in the field of Emotional Detox

Mal Weeraratne is the founder of Tantric Journey and having served as a Tantric Practitioner for over twenty years he now devotes much of his time to teaching others his unique synergy of healing techniques known as Tantric Journey. Having studied the field of sexual dysfunction and emotional detox for over twenty years, Mal Weeraratne […]